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The most incredible adventure of all

If it wasn’t clear to everyone: we’re ready to get back to real adventure - as Fabio Bin, our CMO and co-founder, kindly remind us every day. That’s why all members of the WeRoad Team will partake in an Expedition to Jordan, discovering its culture, food and traditions, exploring Petra and roaming the Wadi Rum Desert.

Why Jordan? It was the first country that opened up after 18 months during which we were only able to travel in Italy and Europe, so it was simply the right choice to take.

Aaaaand… we just love Jordan a lot: we love the culture, we love our partners there, we love the food and the vibe and the amazing landscapes. We’ll be divided into 4 groups lead by a coordinator (that’s also a team member!) so that everybody will be able to experience the true magic of a WeRoad trip.

4 days in Jordan: What we’ll do


Petra, here we come!

The first day starts before dawn: our flight is at 6.50 a.m. but we’re not afraid of an early rise - actually, we’re really excited to get to use our passports again! We arrive in Amman around lunchtime: there, we’ll find a bus waiting for us that will bring us directly to the treasure of Jordan: the magical Petra!

We’ll have way too much time to enjoy the views of this new world where we just landed: let’s create the best playlist for our road trip and get ready to sing! We’ll arrive in Petra in the late afternoon, where we’ll check in our hotel and have a welcome meeting and a welcome dinner on the rooftop of the hotel. Sounds amazing, right? Wait for tomorrow!


The Treasure of Petra and the wonders of Wadi Rum

Wake up, explorers! It’s time to discover the not-so-hidden gem of Jordan: we’re talking about Petra! This morning we’ll be wandering around the site, conquering the most scenic spots where we’ll take many selfies and pics - some spots are hard to get, but remember: the hardest paths lead to the best places! We’ll have enough time to understand why Jordan is one of the favourite trips of our WeRoaders, that’s for sure.

In the afternoon we’ll move to another wonder of Jordan: the Wadi Rum desert! We’ll spend the night in a tented camp, living like a local: we’ll meet the Bedouins, have a typical dinner with them and then enjoy the desert during nighttime - are you ready to see the starriest sky you’ve ever seen in your life?


On a jeep in the Wadi Rum

Ready for an adventure? The answer is yes - if not, we’ll leave you in the middle of the desert without any water nor food. Anyway: this morning a jeep awaits us (actually, several jeeps) to carry us around the red dunes and rocks of the Wadi Rum. It will be 4 hours during which we’ll get the feeling of being on another planet - probably Mars, or on a Star Wars one. We’ll have lunch sitting on the red sand and then we’ll say goodbye to the south of Jordan - we’ll have to head back to Amman, where we’ll arrive in the late evening and have a typical Jordan dinner altogether.


Back to Amman

In every WeRoad trip, there’s always a free day, when people can choose which activity suits them best: well, today is that day. We’ll get the chance to discover the ancient Roman ruins in Jerash, take a dip in the Dead Sea and then relax in a hotel facing the shore, or wander in a souk, trying out different street food before heading to a SPA in Amman. It’s up to us and what we feel like doing (but we all know that the best option is the Dead Sea, let’s be honest).

After we enjoyed our activity of the day, it’s sadly time to say goodbye to Jordan: around 5.30 p.m. we’ll reach Amman Airport and then fly back home. Isn’t it sad that’s already all over? It is, but at least we’ve lived this adventure together and shared moments that we’ll never forget.

Expedition Coordinators
As for every proper WeRoad trip, each group will be lead by a Coordinator - but a special kind: our Coordinators will also be team members, because, as we know very well, in WeRoad it’s possible to have the best of both worlds. So say hi to Giovanni, Michela, Simone and Vale!

See ya'll in Jordan!

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