Beatrice Evangelista
Vive a Geneva
Paesi visitati
After cultural studies I worked hard in the hospitality/tourism and administration industries, building a solid career that brought me to develop a deep interest in other cultures.
I became addicted to the pure happiness that travel and exploring generated in me: I became then dependent to the world and all its adventures!
I’m a dynamic woman with a wide-ranging curiosity. Among my interests are mindfulness practices, yoga and the art of pole dancing. Through these disciplines my body started to change for the better - stronger, more flexible, more energetic- they increased my self-confidence as woman, my mood and globally my mindset became stronger.
Cultivating passions and talents takes time, don’t you agree? That’s what brought me here @ WeRoad and to start a new journey with an online social media business: to finally have more time to do what I love, and to share my experiences.
The aim is to escape the 9-5 lifestyle!